General Well-being

How to start your day, and keep going. Changes to make to your day, to make it better!

So there has been a lot going on lately, we are not going to talk about it in this post I promise. I had a laugh at my own expense the other day. I never really do things the way “you should” or the way everyone else does. I spent March and April getting fit, eating healthy and seeing no one. I will not lie there were parts of this I really enjoyed, I had a really good routine and I was becoming fit and healthy. My goals were becoming achievable. Somewhere after that, I got a bit bored with getting up early, I was doing extra stuff in the evenings for myself, which meant getting up early a bit harder also. Now where everyone is getting back to their fitter selves, I am going the other way. So, I have come up with some tips to introduce into my life to get me back to where I was and feeling great again. It is not about getting fit and healthy and being whatever my ideal weight is or yours. These are changes to make you feel better and motivated to achieve more from your day, no matter what that is. You can find many, many more but what I have written below is your starting point and then build your own for what you want to achieve.

Continue reading “How to start your day, and keep going. Changes to make to your day, to make it better!”
General Well-being

Using the law of attraction, to achieve more, and writing to your future self.

Currently, I know I keep going around a common theme, that of how to better one’s self, not even that, but gain more of what you want in life, your life. My reason for this is for the first time in a long time we are all spending more time with ourselves as I am too. I have a good sense of self and know how to look after my well-being and how important it is. However, I don’t always give myself the time to just be. And, allow me the time to work on me. Over the past 2 months, I have appreciated greatly the time I am spending focusing on me, but also how I enjoy being busy, which I now refer to as being productive and doing what I can to support others. It doesn’t drain me but gives me more energy and a purpose!

So what has this got to do with the law of attraction and where do letters to my future self fit in?

Continue reading “Using the law of attraction, to achieve more, and writing to your future self.”