
Mental Health

We all have a mental health

As May is recognized in parts as World Mental Health Month, I thought it would be a good time to talk about it and look into the world of mental health and well-being. As a school counsellor, coach, and advocate for well-being in the local community, I feel very strongly about the importance mental health plays in our lives. My reason for choosing this topic for today was to also make talking about mental health and well-being more normal.

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General Well-being

Finding yourself – 33 questions to ask yourself now!

For those who may have noticed, I did not post for the past few weeks. I am currently in the middle of different projects and working on using my time effectively to better myself and in turn, help you hopefully through what I post. I started many posts that I felt were similar to what I had done previously or did not really give what I want to you from my post. Also, during the last three weeks, I had some work deadlines, college deadlines amongst other things. I decided that it was best to not work on my writing as it was wearing myself too thin and everything would suffer.

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General Well-being

Emotional Baggage!

I was gifted a tote bag a few years ago that has the caption ‘emotional baggage’ on it. I carry around my work notes from home to my office in this bag and anyone that sees it smiles and laughs. Recently it has got me thinking about what emotional baggage are we carrying around with us. With all things COVID and us continually saying others have it worse is this causing our emotional baggage bag to fill up even more?

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General Well-being

What the last year of blogging about well-being has taught me

I have done this for a year, can you believe it?!

I decided in January of 2020 that I wanted to figure out new ways of promoting myself for my future professional self, in a creative way. I had no idea what I wanted to do or how to go about it but decided that I would start up a website and start writing a blog. I created the website and realised that it is soooo much harder than I would have thought and once it was done, I left it sitting there for 2 months not really sure what to do.

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General Well-being, Mental Health

What is my value and worth?

In my pursuit of developing myself, both professionally and personally, I have started taking some personal therapy sessions. A surprising amount of people are surprised that a counsellor would attend therapy themselves. I explain it as, we can all benefit from time supporting ourselves, you can be amazed what you can learn about yourself and I am my only tool in my work, so I need to make sure I look after myself to be able to help others.

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General Well-being

Mental Health Challenge – Reviewed

A couple of weeks ago I set a mental health and well-being challenge and I said I would feedback about it and how I honestly got on with the challenge I set. I have included all the points and what ones that I managed. I will then share the impact and any changes I would make for me.

  • Write down intentions that you have in relation to your mental health and well-being that you want to achieve over the next four weeks and place it somewhere you can see.

This was my first mistake, I started doing the activities without making my plan.

  • Start the day with gratitude – tell yourself something that you are grateful for going into your day.

I did this but not every day, I noticed it changed my thoughts for the days on the days that I did it.

  • Drink 8 glasses of water or more, starting with a glass in the morning before you have your coffee and breakfast. Drinking water helps to get rid of toxins that we do not need in our body, which helps us physically and mentally.

I did my best with this and it really makes me feel more alert.

  • Eat well and regularly – like water we need food for our physical and mental self. If we have drops in our blood sugar levels from not eating, it can cause us to become more anxious and frustrated at things for little to no real reason. It can be as simple as snacking on nuts, seeds, fresh or dried fruits if you are not a big eater.

This is something I pride myself on, most days, I am still human after all!

  • Take a moment each day to just pause. it can be when you wake up in the morning, just before you go to sleep or when you reach home in your car. The time or place does not matter as long as you take one minute to just be and not think about anything.

This was one of my favourites to do and made things seem to go smoother.

  • Practice deep breathing. Take another minute or five if you can practice belly breathing, hands on your belly to feel the air go in and out. Take a big deep breath in, hold it for a moment, and then releasing it, fully. Notice how you feel after doing this.

I always believe in the simple things and how they can have a big impact when we are stressed we do forget to breathe fully so we are missing out on really replenishing our oxygen.

  • Catch up with a friend or family member – even though we are more restricted and not able to socialise the way we used to, with apps like Zoom, it has helped bring us closer together even if we are further apart.

It would have been better if I had managed some more friends, but I did speak to some friends I haven’t spoken to in a very long time and this gave me such a good feeling.

  • Get outdoors. Yes, it is winter and yes, depending on where you are in the world it is cold but even for ten minutes, wrap up and take in nature as it is.

I had planned to do a hike a month this year, I eventually got to my second one this year this week and it was really something I needed to get out myself and be outdoors.

  • Drink tea. Green tea is the best but tea any tea in general has a calming effect on us.

I never needed an excuse to drink tea but I did take moments when I just sat and enjoyed my tea in silence with no other distractions and this was really calming for me.

  1. Do at least one session of meditation or yoga. It may not be your thing, but it is extremely beneficial, and doing it once will impact your outcome at the end of the month.

I didn’t manage a yoga session but I did introduce a pose a week to start my day with that takes 20 seconds and completely manageable.

  1. Do something that brings you joy or at least a smile to your face.

I spent time with my nephews and time writing messages in chalk around the school to say thank you to staff which made me smile.

  1. De-clutter – that may be your wardrobe, your kitchen cupboards, or your mind. Spend some time cleaning out.

I worked through things I want and need to do, still one to work on.

  1. Journal – I will do a post dedicated to this but if you have not experienced journaling, it is something to definitely start.

I journal at least once a week and use it to reflect on where I am at and what I am going through, I love my journal and think it is one of the best things that I do.

  1. Order a takeaway, curl up on the couch and watch a movie.

Me shake shack, netflixs and Gary the dog, I need to do this more.

  1. Exercise – this one does not have to be anything major. It can be dancing around your living room to your favourite song, a ten-minute home work out or whatever, as long as it raises your heart rate slightly.

I let this one slip but I do start my day with a short 10-minute walk with said Gary the dog, and it has given me the want to do more again.

  1. Say ‘no’ to something.

I was due to join a webinar which I was interested in, but I had had a long day and I knew I would have a few more hours on my computer later so I said no to joining it. It made such a difference to how I was feeling and I even spent that hour reading instead.

  1. Have a social media free evening – since the first lockdown last year and starting to post on my @living_eachmoment Instagram and Facebook accounts I have found I am spending a lot more time than before, just scrolling through posts that have no value to me. This one I have put in specifically for myself. This is one I have made so many plans to do but never worked, I know it is something I need to do.
  2. Try a new recipe – if you are a person who can cook or not, there are simple recipes out there to try. You will feel a sense of accomplishment when you do make something, trust me.

I tried a new cupcake recipe and felt achieved about how nice lemon and raspberry cupcakes could be.

  1. Draw, doodle, or colour in – do some form of creativity with your hands.

I started making buttercream flowers and it is my new love and something I love doing to take me away from everything else.

  • Do something for someone else – you will be surprised how doing something kind for someone else can help you on your journey also.

I left chocolate for everyone at work on Valentine’s day with a little message on each, this made me feel really good.

  • Be kind to yourself – think about what you say to yourself and if you would talk like this to your mother, best friend, child, and so on. If not, take time to reconstruct how you talk to yourself.

Something I have been working on myself is my value and worth so I have been talking and reflecting with myself about this and it is slowly starting to make an impact.

  • Share a hug. If with restrictions you cannot, and you have a pet or a stuffed teddy, that can work. And if not, hug yourself, wrap yourself up in a blanket, feel the comfort and wrap your arms around yourself. Or a warm mug of something and give yourself your love.

Another reason to have more tea, I was on this with no issues 😊

  • Listen to well-being podcasts or relaxing music.

I listened to different podcasts but couldn’t find one that fitted with what I was searching for at the moment.

  • Be mindful of how you are sleeping and if you are getting enough. If not, seek ways to improve your sleep.

I have been more mindful of switching off before I go to bed, most nights, and not looking at my phone in bed. I am definitely starting to feel like I am getting better sleep in the last few weeks.

  • Practise eating mindfully – savour your food and take note of the different tastes, textures, and feelings you get when eating.

I won’t lie I was not very good at this one.

  • End the day on a positive note – remind yourself of good things about yourself and things you have achieved on that day.

I keep my question journal to fill out before bed as it reminds me to reflect and think of some positive things, and even if it is having a shower or eating dinner depending on where you are at, these are achievements.

I know reading through this you may be thinking why I came back and shared how I did and it may seem like I did lots from the list. But the truth is I did not really do that well with it and I know I could and should have done a lot more. We forget (me included), how important simple things are to us and our well-being. Yes, I have spent more time thinking about myself over the last couple of weeks, do I feel the better because of it, of course, but I know I still have to give myself a lot more.

Share your thoughts if you took up the challenge and anything else that we can add to make small changes that will have a big impact.

General Well-being

Single for Valentine’s……. So What!

I have written a post before about falling in love with yourself, it would have been a perfect post for today but I think this one will be even better. For those that know me at all, I am not generally the hearts and over display of affections sort of person. That being said Valentine’s is one of my favourite times of the year, and I have spent most of my life single on Valentine’s day so it is not that I morph into a different person for this day. I love the chaos of men mostly rushing and going over the top with flowers and chocolates to express their love for someone at about 4 times the cost than any other time. I remember having a conversation with a male friend on one Valentine’s day about how down he was because he was single and it was Valentine’s day, as if, when you are single you are put under a microscope and looked upon like there was something wrong with you.  

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To Vaccinate or not!? – My journey

We’ve reached a point where this time last year we had no idea this is where we would be, in any shape or form. COVID-19 has changed us all in one way or another and it has changed our thinking and understanding in many different ways. I think the most discussed topic now is whether to vaccinate or not and then what vaccination to get. This made me decide to write about what I know and my experience so far.

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General Well-being

So what is it about Journaling, and why should you start today!?

I have mentioned it before and I know I will mention it again as one of my number one self-care tools. For today’s post, I am going to get into what journaling is. The positives and negatives of journaling and how to get started today. Journaling has been around for a long time and everyone is talking about it, but do we really understand what it is we are meant to be doing when it comes to journaling?

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General Well-being, Mental Health

Mental Well-being Challenge

I am going to change up my post a bit today and try something new and different. I have written many different blogs around different topics, food, pets, self-care, parenting, dealing with lockdown, friendships, learning a new language (still in the process of mastering this one), coaching, goals, and lots more. I have struggled at points to write what I thought were meaningful posts and then other times I would write three with no issues. I guess this is a part of writing and the reason I feel this happens is that what I write about are things that mean something to me and are based around supporting you to gain from them and make your life, well, ‘well’.

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