General Well-being

How to start your day, and keep going. Changes to make to your day, to make it better!

So there has been a lot going on lately, we are not going to talk about it in this post I promise. I had a laugh at my own expense the other day. I never really do things the way “you should” or the way everyone else does. I spent March and April getting fit, eating healthy and seeing no one. I will not lie there were parts of this I really enjoyed, I had a really good routine and I was becoming fit and healthy. My goals were becoming achievable. Somewhere after that, I got a bit bored with getting up early, I was doing extra stuff in the evenings for myself, which meant getting up early a bit harder also. Now where everyone is getting back to their fitter selves, I am going the other way. So, I have come up with some tips to introduce into my life to get me back to where I was and feeling great again. It is not about getting fit and healthy and being whatever my ideal weight is or yours. These are changes to make you feel better and motivated to achieve more from your day, no matter what that is. You can find many, many more but what I have written below is your starting point and then build your own for what you want to achieve.

  1. Do not hit snooze, start your day with the 5-second rule. When your alarm goes off, count to five and get up. (This is a new one for me, we will see how it goes, I have gotten very fond of my snooze button!)
  2. Make your bed, seems simple but there is a lot of people who are not doing this.
  3. Do some form of exercise in the morning, it can be 5 minutes of yoga, running after your son or daughter, walking around the kitchen while you drink coffee, something to tell your body it is time to start the day. Dancing is a good “feel good” one. Who is not happy dancing?
  4. Focus on something positive for the upcoming day, if you cannot think of something to focus on, think of something you are grateful for at present. It can be as simple as you having coffee in the kitchen, but you truly need to be grateful for it.
  5. Have some sort of plan for the day and at least one goal you want to achieve, it does not have to be work-related.
  6. Listen to music.
  7. Dress as if you will be seen by others, weekends are great for more casual tracksuit bottoms, but a little effort can make a big difference to how you feel
  8. Have a bedtime routine and get enough sleep that your body needs
  9. Do one thing each day that makes you smile or happy
  10. Stop wasting your energy on things that are out of your control, write them down and throw them in the bin
  11. Remember your only competition is who you were yesterday! Use this to motivate you forward.
  12. Eat at certain times, most days, and include colour in your meals. 
  13. Be flexible, do not always stick to the schedule blindly, go with the flow sometimes. If you have children and they are having a nice time playing, don’t interrupt them just because the schedule says its snack time
  14. Write down what your biggest goals are, even things you feel you can’t achieve, then spend some time breaking these down to why you think you can and can’t achieve it and see what obstacles are really there, I bet most of the time, the answer is ‘you’, as your biggest obstacle.
  15. Learn to have stupid fun again, going running like Phoebe from Friends, dance to silly songs, listen to songs you heard growing up, spend a day watching Disney movies, skip, bake (baking is not as hard as we think, check out my YouTube videos for some simple things to try out), think of what else you could do that is not part of your responsibilities.
  16. Declutter and deep clean your living environment, whatever this may look like, it will have a big impact on how you are feeling.
  17. Let go of things that you feel guilty for
  18. Give yourself at least one compliment a day for a week
  19. Give yourself a break, you are doing your best
  20. Have FUN every day!!!

As I said this is just to get you thinking and start you off, some of these tips may be too challenging for you to take on yet, but do your best to push yourself out of your comfort zone even a little bit, you will be amazed of what you can do and find out about yourself. Best of luck to you, I am excited for you and for me to get more out of lives, if you think there is something else that should be included or something that has worked really well for you, please comment and let me know. It would be great to hear from you. 😊