For those who may have noticed, I did not post for the past few weeks. I am currently in the middle of different projects and working on using my time effectively to better myself and in turn, help you hopefully through what I post. I started many posts that I felt were similar to what I had done previously or did not really give what I want to you from my post. Also, during the last three weeks, I had some work deadlines, college deadlines amongst other things. I decided that it was best to not work on my writing as it was wearing myself too thin and everything would suffer.
That being said I really enjoy writing and sharing with you, it was a decision I had to make. A couple of years ago I would have just done the posts and put everything I could into them, sacrificing different things like sleep, time with family, then, in turn, drinking caffeine and eating unhealthily, and so on. But part of the journey with writing this post and the self-care work I am doing on myself has helped me to think about everything in life differently and spending some time looking after myself.
Today I am not going to give you a long list of stuff to do to tell you how to bring happiness into your life and find yourself but ask you some questions to get you thinking yourself about what makes you, you! and how to look after yourself in your way. I have also decided a weekly post is too much right now so I am going to now do one every two weeks so that I can share useful content with you.
Take the list as you like, go in order and do it all at once, mix and match different ones to do each week over a couple of weeks, or pick the ones you really want to focus on at the moment.
Here is my list of 33 questions to help find yourself a bit more, they are not going to give you all the answers you need but will help you to start thinking and looking at your life a little differently.
- What have I done for myself in the past 7 days?
- What are the things that I feel brings me immediate happiness?
- What does happiness mean to me?
- How much of my day is affected by outside factors?
- How much of my day is affected by how I make myself happy?
- What am I longing for?
- Am I the remix or the original?
- What can I add to my life/day to improve my life?
- What can I take away from my life/day to improve my life?
- What questions should I be asking myself right now? Are there questions I am avoiding asking myself?
- In what ways do I pretend to be happy? How do I sabotage my own happiness?
- What are things that I can celebrate weekly?
- What are areas I can invest in myself, be it personally or professionally?
- What am I grateful for at the moment?
- Am I grateful enough for the little things I do in my daily life? If not, why?
- What do I need to let go of?
- What am I avoiding and why?
- Do I listen to my body and what it is trying to tell me? Take a moment now, what is it telling you right now?
- What big goal am I secretly wanting to pursue? What is stopping me?
- What’s the worst thing that could happen if I choose to pursue this goal? What’s the best thing that can happen?
- What does your perfect day look like? Plan it to the best of your abilities.
- What’s missing from my life? What can I do to get it?
- Who matters most to me? Who are my support people?
- What am I ashamed of?
- What do I like to do for fun?
- If I could have one wish, it would be ___________
- What or who gives me comfort?
- If I wasn’t afraid, I would ___________
- Am I a night owl or an early bird? How can I arrange my life to better suit this part of my nature?
- What does my inner critic tell me? How can I keep it quiet?
- What is my happiest memory?
- What am I learning about myself at the moment?
- What will I now do differently?
I went with 33 as since my last post I have turned 33 and always felt I would be in a different place and having everything figured out by now, and in ways, I am so glad I do not as we never fully have everything figured out but keep working on new aspects we find out along the way. I hope you find these questions useful and do share if there is any you feel I have missed.