General Well-being


Dreams can have different meanings. There are the dreams we have while we are sleeping which consist of a mixture of thoughts, sensations, and images that we see and feel. Dreams can mean different things for different people; some see them as things you are processing from your unconscious thoughts, while others may see it as a premonition of sorts of what has happened or is to come, like the déjà vu thoughts.

Being a Pisces and the star sign that apparently spends most of their time daydreaming, I cannot write this post without mentioning daydreams also. I personally feel daydreams can be beneficial and are good once they do not take up all your time. A daydream can be defined as a series of pleasant thoughts that distract you or your attention from what you are doing. I know myself, I have daydreamed a lot more this year than I have ever before. I have daydreamed about interacting with other people and traveling amongst other things. It has actually helped to keep me focused on the present, by leaving the present, and going into my daydream thoughts briefly.

Then there are dreams that consist of your aspirations, ambitions, and ideas. You may think or question why dreams are important for you and your well-being. I believe, without dreams, we will lack the motivation to achieve something. You could say that you should focus on goals and more tangible concepts, but without a vision, which is really a dream, you will not have a goal to focus on.

Dreams can be broken down into smaller ideas and goals. They do not have to be something big, creative, and life-altering. Like, partaking in doing a vision board helps gather your thoughts and work towards what you want to achieve. The reason the concept of writing about dreams came to me today is that I have had a dream of what and who I want to be for a very long time. I have always changed my mind, altered it, and done something else. But spending time with myself and working on myself and my self-awareness lately, I have realised that the dream is still there and until I achieve it, it will not go away.

Goals can be broken down into short and long-term. Some dreams may not seem achievable to you, but I am going to add ‘yet’ or ‘right now’. I am also a believer that things happen when they are meant to for us in our lives and whatever is for you, will not pass you by.

You can also have unrealistic and realistic dreams. I know I wrote recently about making note of small achievements which ties in with dreams in a way. It all is about the power of visualisation. Today I want you to make a list of 20 things you dream of. For every two that you write, which you feel are achievable no matter how hard it might or are not achievable, I now want you to add something that you feel is out of your reach but something you dream of. I want you to stick this somewhere that you can look at every day for a week and just read each of them. Then after a week, I want you to really examine each of them and decide which goals you can start focusing on today. Give each of them a date that you wish and dream that you would want to achieve them by. With your top 5 that you want to start working on, make a mind map for each of the ways you can start working on them.

Now is the time to focus on you, start believing in your dreams and yourself. We have spent too long on other things that now is the time for you. If for now, even that seems too much to take on, start researching thoughts that come to you while you daydream over a cup of tea. Who knows where those dreams might take you!