General Well-being

On a scale of 1 – 10, how happy are you?

I have a 4-year journal that I love. Each date of the year, it asks you a different question. This is then repeated each year. So, by the end of year 4, you can see how you answered questions differently or similarly. One of the questions this month was the above title; ‘On a scale of 1-10 how happy are you?’, which brought up some thoughts for me.

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General Well-being


Dreams can have different meanings. There are the dreams we have while we are sleeping which consist of a mixture of thoughts, sensations, and images that we see and feel. Dreams can mean different things for different people; some see them as things you are processing from your unconscious thoughts, while others may see it as a premonition of sorts of what has happened or is to come, like the déjà vu thoughts.

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General Well-being

How to love yourself – it is a good thing!

Today I sat and started 3 different posts. I went back and forth from each, liking one topic better than the other, not being able to think about what to write, and so on. I decided to look at a list that I created a while back when I had thought about putting more structure to my posts. I realised, like today, that my mind directs me in a way to what I should write about next. So, I went to my list and this title popped out at me straight away and here I am now, writing about it.

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General Well-being

If you knew how your life was going to be would you do anything differently?

If your life were a storybook and you had a sneak peek at the ending and knew what was going to happen, would this alter how you do everything now?

Would it make you change the way you do things? Would it make you alter what could happen? Would it make you more relaxed or would it make you more anxious?

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General Well-being

Making note of small achievements

Achievement is defined as a thing done successfully with skill, effort, or courage. Success is the accomplishment of a goal. Courage is the strength to do something in the face of pain. I believe achievement is so much more courage than anything else. When we think of achievements, it is generally the big wins like achieving your University degree, achieving that promotion, your driving license, and so on. But why do we not put as much focus on the small achievements? For some people today that might be getting out of bed, showering, or picking up their phone to read this. For some people that takes more courage than it does for the person who went for a promotion in the job that they are successful in.

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General Well-being

The secret/not so secret pressures of a 30 something-year-old woman

This post will somehow depend on where you are in the world and it is also not a rant, but something that I feel needs to be brought to our attention. From my experience living across three different continents and mixing with many amazing and inspiring women from all over the world, I can still see the underlying pressure women and society put onto themselves. Even when researching this, I got loads of articles about the stresses to have it all as a thirty-something year old and how to cope with your thirties, and surprisingly the majority of the articles were about the pressures to settle down, marry and have kids.

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General Well-being

Plan B!

If 2020 has taught us anything, and if it is something you have not considered yet, it is that nothing always goes according to plan. This year many of us have seen others, if not gone through it ourselves, losing jobs, businesses, wages, connections with others, dreams, holidays, loved ones, and much more.

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General Well-being

Saying ‘No’!!!

It is one of the simplest words to grasp and say. It is one of the top words that babies first learn and understand. However, it is two letters that a lot of people struggle to use or potentially struggle to hear when it does not suit what they want.

I believe from a young age we learn to see ‘no’ as something negative, so in ways, we avoid using it as we see it as something wrong. I have seen so many articles about how learning to say no can improve your life but yet it is a simple thing that we still struggle to use or say.

For sure it is something I am not very good at but then I will have some people say I find it easy to say to them. I wonder why we find it easy in one situation and not the same in another. I think it can boil down to impressions and how we want others to see us. It is not always conscious but more in our subconscious. It can also be a learned behaviour from years of what can be seen as doing the right thing and being accommodating.

That brings another aspect of saying no, when is it seen as being assertive and respectful of yourself and when is it seen as being rude. I guess this will also depend on the person saying no and the other person on the receiving end.

Why saying no is so important for your own health and well-being.

  • You respect yourself and your time more
  • Others are not expectant on you to always support
  • Helps maintain and keep the focus on your priorities
  • You can feel more confident
  • Better self-esteem

Negatives to not saying no

  • Exhaustion
  • Irritability
  • Lack of focus
  • Burnout
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Missing out on important events or occasions
  • Guilt – it goes with saying no also

How to start saying no

  • Start with yourself, by practicing telling yourself ‘no’ to things or even in front of the mirror
  • Think of Beyonce and here channeling her alter-ego Sasha when on stage, do this for yourself too and believe you are someone else while you build your own confidence
  • Don’t answer straight away, take a moment to listen to what is being asked of you, and filter out what is beneficial for you or solely for the other person
  • Praise yourself and acknowledge when you have said ‘no’
  • Learn and understand what your boundaries are and when you need to say no
  • Be selfish, learn saying no is okay and it is okay to think about yourself
  • Ask the person back the question, see what happens if you ask them to do it and how this then sits with you
  • Value yourself
  • Do not explain why you are saying no, just keep it simple
  • When able to, say, I will think about it and get back to you, we do not always have to answer straight away, then you can go away and see if it is something that you need to do or not
  • Be true to yourself
  • Spending time with yourself can also help as it can help you build your resilience

One thing that the last six months have shown me, we do not always need to be available for everyone. We also are not needed as much as we sometimes think we are by others (I mean this in a good way). People become reliant on each other when this reliance is allowed to be there, take it away and both will learn to cope in different ways without it. Being able to say no is a learning process, there will be good days and bad days, do not let the bad days hold you back. Give these tips a go and add some of your own and see what difference saying ‘no’ can have on your life. 😊

General Well-being

Dealing with rejection – Do we all have past trauma?

So, what is rejection – it is basically pushing someone or something away. Studies have proved that rejection can have the same effect on you as physical pain does. I have spoken before about how our minds and body are wired together. But why does rejection have such a big impact on our physical body? I believe the reason it has such an impact is that we do not always deal with rejection adequately and understand the impact it is having on us; so we push it aside, rejecting our emotions and feelings of rejection.  

There are lots of different areas that rejection comes into play. For today, I am going to look at 4 areas career/work, social, self, and romantic.

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